Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Think, don't panic

The term "influenza" refers to illness caused by influenza virus. This is commonly also called "flu", but many different illnesses cause "flu-like" systemic and respiratory symptoms such as fever, chills, aches and pains, cough, and sore throat. In addition, influenza itself can cause many different illness patterns, ranging from mild common cold symptoms to typical "flu" to life-threatening pneumonia and other complications, including secondary bacterial infections.

Uncomplicated influenza gets better with or without treatment, but may cause substantial discomfort and limitation of activity before getting better. Complications of influenza can include bacterial infections, viral pneumonia, and cardiac and other organ system abnormalities.

Use of antiviral drugs does not eliminate the risk of complications, and some complications can be life-threatening. In addition, influenza viruses can become resistant to specific anti-influenza antiviral drugs, and all of the drugs have side effects. My son, Karel caught a virus when he was a year old, it was hemophalus influenza, that caused a bacterial meningitis. During the illness his life was in danger, but the drugs used to cure him, caused lasting neural deafness and epilepsy.

I think we should take normal precautions, but review the panic response of the 1976 epidemic and the rush to vaccinate. More people died and suffered paralysis from the vaccine, then from the virus. Only 1 person at Ft. Dix actually died from the 1976 swine flu epidemic. Check out the Natural Remedies as well, and the stuff your Grandma used to tell you about washing your hands, sharing utensils, plenty of fluids.

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